
Samuele Strufaldi And Tommaso Rosati’s Space Walk
To “1.15 K”, Out Now On Auand Beats
Piano and live electronics in a reflection on cosmos and macrocosm.

Rough and ethereal experimentations and a universal perspective

You can use complicated scientific words, images from space, formulas or even visions to describe Italian musicians Samuele Strufaldi’s (piano) and Tommaso Rosati’s (live electronics) new album. “1.15 K” is made of a dense dialogue between acoustic and electronics, from a sort of universal perspective, which widens the view up to the remote corners of the universe.

Out on Auand Beats in December 2019, the album will be digital-only. The duo explains that «1.15 Kelvin is (more or less) the lowest known temperature in the universe. It can be found in the Boomerang Nebula. Strangely enough, this temperature is caused by a quick and huge emission of hot gasses and other elements coming out of the star in the center of the nebula. As it gets colder, the nebula expands and reaches extremely low temperatures – it’s a phenomenon known as adiabatic expansion. Processes and details like this have inspired our album.»

Even in the most cinematic piano moments, the live electronics follow parallel paths – embracing, opposing, sometimes prevailing. But their research goes beyond being just a dialogue: the duo managed to develop dedicated software for some tracks, so that each composition has its own tailored electronic suit.

The album orbit traces Pulsar images and reflections on space debris – while keeping the same approach: one that is open and ready for new explorations, genuinely intrigued by the endless combinations offered by the universe.